Started in Victorian times this day was traditionally when families would come together on the last Sunday before advent to “stir up” their Christmas puddings. This year it falls on Sunday 29th November. Moving with the times, Stir Up Sunday has more recently become the occasion to get together to make any festive favourite such as Christmas cake, mincemeat, mince pies etc.
To celebrate this day we are inviting you to join the Aston Hearing team at 4pm on 29th November in making a quick and easy Christmas cake, (courtesy of Delia Smith), through the online magic of ZOOM. Together we will weigh, mix and laugh our way through a festive bake-along. We also have in-house an expert pâtissiere and cake decorator, Helen West, to demonstrate some icing ideas for the finished cake.
To join in the fun you will need to email
and we will send you the ZOOM link by return email. You can log in 10 minutes before the start and have a quick chat before we begin cooking. The whole bake will take about 45 minutes -1 hour with time to have a cuppa and watch the decorating demonstration while the cake is in the oven. This is the first event we have tried in this format so bear with us! It will be totally informal and we hope a lot of fun.
Click here to find the recipe and equipment you will need for the cake.