Enjoying television when you have hearing difficulties can be a challenge, particularly when you are watching with family members who may complain about the level of the sound or about the reliance on subtitles.

The latest in hearing technology can help to overcome so many everyday listening challenges and excitingly with the help of Audio Streaming and Audio Direct you are effectively turning your hearing aids into personal wireless headsets. Utilizing Bluetooth technology you can connect your hearing aids to your TV, IPad, computer, mobile phone, radio or virtually any Bluetooth supported device. Direct streaming audio to your hearing aids, presents the sound in real-time with no delay, exactly at the right volume, in both ears to suit your personal hearing, whilst allowing the TV to be set at a volume to suit the family – this can include no sound at all, whilst you continue to listen directly and comfortably at your own personal listening level.

It doesn’t matter what the sound is, whether it’s music on your mobile phone, movies on YouTube, your favourite afternoon quiz programme on TV or dramas on Radio because audio is audio. You can even directly stream telephone calls from your mobile phone to your hearing aids.

Audio streaming enhances the listening experience.

There are a number of significant issues with modern day TV watching!

Firstly the super thin, huge screens that we are becoming accustomed to have very little room for speakers, we are often required to invest in additional speaker systems and soundbars to overcome this issue but this can still present problems for those with reduced hearing levels.

Room acoustics has an affect on TV watching too with open plan living space, different size multi-purpose rooms, a move away from soft furnishing and carpeting, all of which has a dramatic negative effect on TV watching and enjoyment.

Matters are further complicated because sound varies a lot with different TV programs. Old black & white movies have a very different sound to today’s films. Sound on documentaries can be very different from sound on TV dramas. American shows can also have a different sound when compared to British programming. Background noise and dramatic music scores can play havoc with everyone’s ability to fully understand what is happening – including low level lighting and dark settings which impair your hearing too as you are unable to rely on your other senses to ‘fill in the gaps’.

Hearing aids are designed to maximise communication and conversation and work best within a couple of meters of the sound source, this is reduced further in difficult listening environments. However, utilizing TV Streamers using wireless technology these different environments and variable factors are eliminated. With TV Streamers you can sit as far back as you want in your living room and hear the TV sound exactly the same as if you were right close up, as the audio is being transmitted using wireless technology.

No greater example of this is the Widex TV Play device. This award-winning device is designed to be sleek and discreet. Sitting quietly near or behind your TV – the Widex TV Play device can transmit the sound signal from your TV using its patented Dual Antenna technology.

Easy to use and even easier to set up, you can sit back, relax and enjoy your favourite tv programmes with the significant advantage of being able to get up, walk around, wander into the kitchen and make a cup of tea without having to take off your hearing aids or make any manual adjustments. With flexible, programmable settings you can decide if you want to have a setting which completely focuses on the TV or choose to keep a couple of microphones live to allow you to be part of the conversation at the same time.

Aston Hearing can help you hear in all areas of your life and enhancing your TV watching experience is one of our very favourite outcomes! To find out more email kate@astonhearing.co.uk or call 01494 733840 and arrange an appointment.