Keep on Running – Marathon blog
Read what inspired Audiologist Matthew Ball to take up running and enter his first marathon.
HearToday: Harewood Downs Golf Club on 25th March has been CANCELLED!
IMPORTANT CHANGE: Please note that our next scheduled HearToday drop-in event at Harewood Downs Golf Club on 25th March has been CANCELLED. We apologise for any inconvenience but various factors outside our control have forced us to make this decision. [...]
March 2020 Newsletter
March Newsletter Out Now In this month's issue: Practice Closure How we can help Chatable Apps - emergency care Hearing aid maintenance Social distancing and staying connected Final word Click here to read it [...]
How a Professional Speaker Overcame Hearing Loss
Neuroscientist, business psychologist and change specialist, Dr Lynda Shaw is a successful professional speaker and mentor to CEOs but many of her clients would never know that she has significant hearing loss.
Mumps and hearing loss: what do I need to know?
MUMPS SYMPTOMS (NHS) Mumps is a viral infection that is highly contagious, spread through infected saliva, typically when a person coughs or sneezes. It generally takes 2 weeks for a person to show symptoms after being exposed to the [...]
TINNITUS WEEK 2020 : Living with Tinnitus
Tinnitus will affect about 30% of us at some point during our lives and can occur in people of all ages. Whilst usually associated with a hearing loss it can also affect people with ‘normal’ hearing. It can be very [...]