NICE Guildines
We are delighted to see that hearing loss has been given a priority in the latest guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). The section entitled ‘Hearing Loss in Adults: assessment and management’ covers [...]
Brain Training
Lynda Shaw PhD CPsychol Lynda is a cognitive neuroscientist and business psychologist. Lynda has lectured in Psychology and Neuroscience at Brunel University and conducted research on brain function and impairment, specialising in consciousness, emotion and the effects [...]
Me and My Hearing
I’m part of a magical generation: the Baby Boomers, born just after World War II. There are a lot of us – the year I arrived, in 1946, a million babies were born in the UK, and [...]
Taking Ear Infections Seriously
Ian Bottrill BM FRCS(ORL), Consultant ENT Surgeon Mr Ian Bottrill has been ENT lead consultant for Buckinghamshire Hospitals NHS Trust since 2007 consulting at John Radcliffe, Oxford and Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury. He works privately at The Chiltern Hospital, [...]
Your Hearing – A Very Valuable Commodity
Your Hearing – A Very Valuable Commodity It is essential for everyone to take care of their ears and hearing as damage to the auditory system could be irreparable. However, if you have hearing loss it [...]
What is Tinnitus? Tinnitus is a common symptom of many hearing and ear conditions and is characterised by a ringing, hissing or other noises that appear to be originating in the body or head, rather than from an outside [...]