July/August 2021 Newsletter
Our bumper newsletter for July and August is now out! In this month's issue: Practice update News just in...! Team update Age related hearing loss Lipreading and how it can help Summer staycation in the Chilterns Local events [...]
June 2021 Newsletter
This month's edition is out now Practice Update Hearing Focus: Severe – Profound Hearing Loss Audiogram Explained: The Left Corner Audiogram Cochlear Implants with input from Professor Richard Ramsden MBE - click here to read Real Life Listening [...]
Cochlear implants with Professor Richard Ramsden MBE
"I am an ENT Surgeon and was Professor of ENT in Manchester for 20 years. I gave up the N and the T and specialised in Otology and Neuro-otology. Over the years I removed around 1200 acoustic neuromas. In the [...]
My life with profound hearing loss by Ruby Sharp
Long time client, Ruby Sharp, has lived with a profound hearing loss her entire life and continues to embrace challenges that come her way. She has had a varied career in nursing and teaching and currently teaches ceramics and art to students from her own pivate studio. This is her story. [...]
May 2021 Newsletter
May Newsletter 2021 - Out Now! Featured this month: Practice Update Sudden Hearing Loss: what is it and what to do if it affects you or someone close to you (SSHL) The Hearing Assessment: part of your [...]
Classic Cars, My Audiologist and Me by Des Gilmore
Hearing loss is often a gradual process that creeps up on you as the years go by but for some people it can happen very suddenly and without warning. Let us introduce you to Des Gilmore who experienced hearing loss and [...]